A very common vaccine injury following immunization results when the person administering the vaccination gives the shot too high up on the arm, resulting in limited range of motion, pain, and weakness. Some of the symptoms and/or diagnoses can be: arm pain, shoulder pain, shoulder dysfunction, frozen shoulder, adhesive capsulitis, shoulder bursitis, and brachial neuritis. This condition is a well known vaccine injury known as Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration, or “SIRVA”.
Most people diagnosed with SIRVA had no prior shoulder problems to receiving a vaccination. Many times, within 48 hours of the injected vaccine, people complain of immediate pain in the arm and the beginning of symptoms. An MRI scan often times will reveal:
- Fluid collection in the deep deltoid muscle or overlying tendons
- Bursitis
- Fluid greater than typically seen in the bursa
- Tendonitis
- Subchondral changes with severe tendonitis
The symptoms can last from months into years, and many people never will experience a complete recovery even with extensive therapy. SIRVA is due to an improper angle and/or position of the inserted needle and/or over penetration of the deltoid muscle, which can occur when there is not a heavy body mass. Muscle mass may be an issue. Too long a needle length will cause damage. Furthermore, previous rotator cuff damage may be aggravated due to inflammation of surrounding tissue. If you feel as though you may have a vaccine injury claim due to SIRVA, please contact us today or fill out the vaccine injury form on this website.